Execute Reusable Quote
Reusable Quote Executions buy or sell assets using a Reusable Quote obtained from the Reusable Quote Creation flow.
The asset, and guaranteed price/rate of the execution are specified by the quote with ID quote_id
The amount to buy or sell must be specified in either fiat or crypto by setting exactly one of:
to specify the amount of crypto to buy or sell.quote_amount
to specify the amount of fiat to spend or acquire.
An otherwise-valid request to create a quote execution may fail with the following types of errors:
- Expired if the reusable quote with ID
has expired. - Insufficient Funds if the end user with ID
has insufficient available balance to fund the execution. - Quote with no price if a Reusable Quote has its prices set to null and status UNA_PRICE (Unavailable Price).
- Buy Limit Frequency Exceeded if the end_user reached a Daily/Monthly/Yearly frequency limit for BUY Trades.
- Sell Limit Frequency Exceeded if the end_user reached a Daily/Monthly/Yearly frequency limit for SELL Trades.
- Buy Limit Amount Exceeded if the end_user reached a Daily/Monthly/Yearly amount limit for BUY Trades.
- Sell Limit Amount Exceeded if the end_user reached a Daily/Monthly/Yearly amount limit for SELL Trades.
B2B’s White Label API uses OAuth2. Currently there is only one supported authentication flow:
- clientCredentials allows you to access your own B2B account (First-Party Integration) and performs transactions against the public API. This oauth2 flow is well suited for this API, as it allows machine-to-machine communication.
Every call to the API has to be authenticated with an OAuth2 Token. In order to request this token, you will need to have sandbox or production API Keys (client id and client secret) that will be needed to generate a credential in order to negotiate an ephemeral access token.
Every request must be accompianed by an Authorization
header with a value that follows the following schema: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
Path Parameters
Indicates End User external_ref.
Indicates the operation type.
Arbitrary identifier issued by the partner. Serves as an external identifier for lookups.
Specifies the amount of crypto to buy or sell.
Specifies the amount of fiat to buy or sell.
If the transaction represents a BUY, SELL or SWAP operation, this object will detail the trade operation information.
UUID used as trade identifier.
UUID used as Transaction identifier. Useful to relate this object trade with a transaction object.
UUID used as quote identifier.
Arbitrary string used as end_user identifier.
Indicates the exchange rate used for conversion.
Indicates trade's applied fee.
Indicates the amount of units or equivalence in the quote for base currency.
Indicates the amount of units or equivalence in the quote for quote currency.
Indicates the base currency involved in the quotation.
Indicates the quote currency involved in the quotation.
ISO DateTime indicating creation date of trade.
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