Ripio B2B
A brief introduction to B2B API.
B2B API allows a third party to access different use cases and services inside of Ripio ecosystem. It is organized around RESTful constraints, with requests and responses in JSON format, using HTTP in the standard format and the answer codes. The API is designed to be compliant with OpenAPI Specification v3.0, which is a trusted open source standard for HTTP-Based APIs.
The API offers the ability to test it with a simple, yet powerful sandbox that will enhance developer experience and replicate production capabilities in a well isolated and safe environment, giving developers full freedom to try the integration without compromises.
Error Handling
If a request to B2B REST API fails, the response will contain an five-digit error code with a corresponding error message to indicate the details of the error.
The following code snippet is a sample error response that contains an error code and message pair:
Error Codes
Code | Error Category | Description | Resolution |
20000 | Validation Error | Raised when there is a semantic error in the payload of the request. | Check the docs for precise information on how to provide correct values for each resource atribute. |
20001 | Parse Error | Raised when the API receives a malformed JSON document. | Check for syntax errors in the payload of your request. Also look for sample requests in the docs related to the desired operation. |
20010 | Expired Quote | Raised when the received quote to execute has expired. | Generate a new quote and execute it within the 30 seconds time window. |
20011 | Already Executed Quote | Raised when the received quote to execute has been executed before. | Try Generating a new quote with the former pair/amounts to replicate a similar trade. |
20012 | Not Enough Balance | Raised when the amount to operate (sale/purchase) is larger than the balance amount of the debited currency. | Check end user’s balances in order to inform the discrepancy before quote execution. Please contact our support team for further assistance. |
20013 | Buy Limit Frequency Exceeded | Raised when the “BUY” frequency limit for a given end user has been reached. | Check end user’s limits using Limits API in order to inform the discrepancy before performing a quote execution. |
20014 | Sell Limit Frequency Exceeded | Raised when the “SELL” frequency limit for a given end user has been reached. | Check end user’s limits using Limits API in order to inform the discrepancy before performing a quote execution. |
20015 | Buy Limit Amount Exceeded | Raised when the “BUY” amount limit for a given end user has been reached. | Check end user’s limits using Limits API in order to inform the discrepancy before performing a quote execution. |
20016 | Sell Limit Amount Exceeded | Raised when the “SELL” amount limit for a given end user has been reached. | Check end user’s limits using Limits API in order to inform the discrepancy before performing a quote execution. |
20017 | Buy Transaction Min Limit Exceeded | Raised when the “BUY” amount min limit on a single transaction is exceeded. | Check Ripio’s min and max transaction limits. |
20018 | Buy Transaction Max Limit Exceeded | Raised when the “BUY” amount max limit on a single transaction is exceeded. | Check Ripio’s min and max transaction limits. |
20019 | Sell Transaction Min Limit Exceeded | Raised when the “SELL” amount min limit on a single transaction is exceeded. | Check Ripio’s min and max transaction limits. |
20020 | Sell Transaction Max Limit Exceeded | Raised when the “SELL” amount max limit on a single transaction is exceeded. | Check Ripio’s min and max transaction limits. |
20021 | Banned EndUser | Raised when a quote execution request comes from a banned user. | Please reach out our support team in order to get full detail on why the end user has been banned. |
20022 | Swap Transaction Min Limit Exceeded | Raised when the “SWAP” amount min limit on a single transaction is exceeded. | Check Ripio’s min and max transaction limits. |
20023 | Swap Transaction Max Limit Exceeded | Raised when the “SWAP” amount max limit on a single transaction is exceeded. | Check Ripio’s min and max transaction limits. |
20024 | Swap Limit Frequency Exceeded | Raised when the “SWAP” frequency limit for a given end user has been reached. | Check end user’s limits using Limits API in order to inform the discrepancy before performing a quote execution. |
20025 | Swap Limit Amount Exceeded | Raised when the “SWAP” amount limit for a given end user has been reached. | Check end user’s limits using Limits API in order to inform the discrepancy before performing a quote execution. |
20026 | Quote With No Price | Raised when the received reusable quote to execute has no price. | Try Generating a new reusable quote with the former pair to replicate a similar trade. |
20027 | Expired Withdrawal Fee | Raised when trying to execute a withdrawal fee that has already expired. | Request another withdrawal Fee. |
20029 | Invalid address | Raised when the address provided is not valid on given network. | Try with a valid addres for that network. |
20030 | Kyc not approved for end user | Raised when the end user doesn’t have a kyc process approved. | Check the status of end user’s verification submission |
20031 | Kyc already approved for end user | Raised when the end user already has an approved kyc process. | - |
20032 | Invalid or disabled payment method type | Raised when the payment_method_type does not exist or is disabled for the acccount. | Please reach out our support team. |
20033 | Frequency limit exceeded for fiat withdrawals | Raised when the QTY limit for a given currency in a FIAT_WITHDRAWAL operation is exceeded. | - |
20034 | Amount limit exceeded for fiat withdrawals | Raised when the amount limit for a given currency in a FIAT_WITHDRAWAL operation is exceeded. | - |
20035 | Fiat account is required | Raised when a fiat account is required. | Create a Fiat account first. |
40000 | Authentication Failed | Raised when an incoming request includes incorrect authentication. | Check for invalid credentials in your request when trying to authenticate. |
40001 | Not Authenticated | Raised when an unauthenticated request fails the permission checks. | Check if your request contains a valid and non-expired access_token . |
40003 | Permission Denied | Raised when an authenticated request fails the permission checks. | Check if you have OAuth scopes to access requested resource. Please contact our support team if you think this is an error. |
40004 | Not Found | Raised when a resource does not exists at the given URL. | Check if the resource you’re looking for does exist. |
40005 | Method Not Allowed | Raised when an incoming request has been performed with certain HTTP verb that is not valid for the requested resource. | Check the resource’s docs section to learn the accepted HTTP methods. |
40006 | Bad Request | Raised when historical market price API endpoint has not been used properly. | Check for syntax errors in the payload of your request. Also look for sample requests in the docs related to the desired operation. |
40007 | Bad Request | Raised when a currency network is not allowed to operate the selected currency. | Check if your request contains a valid network for the selected currency. |
40008 | Not Found | Raised when a currency doesn’t have its limits configured. | Please reach out our support team with the error details and detailed execution flow. |
40009 | Bad Request | Raised when an existing Quote with defined external_ref has not been executed, thus it can not be excuted idempotently. | Use another external_ref for the Quote. |
40010 | Service Unavailable | Raised when there are no addresses available for networks compatible with a specific network name. | Please reach out our support team with the error details and detailed execution flow. |
40015 | Unsupported Media Type | Raised when the content type of the request data is not JSON compliant. | Check if your request data is compliant with JSON format. |
40029 | Throttled | Raised when an incoming request fails the throttling checks. | Check if you are exceding the daily/hourly request quota for your account. Please contact our support team if you think you’ll need an extended quota for your use-case. |
50003 | Service Unavailable | Raised when the service (or requested resource) is not available. | Please reach out our support team with the error details and detailed execution flow. |
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